Buyer Home Inspections
Located in Wasilla, Alaska, Biffs Professional Home Inspections is licensed to inspect both new construction and pre-existing homes. When buying or selling a home, you could not be in better hands. Call us at (907) 227-3720, request a quote, or book online today.
Comprehensive Home Inspections
Our mission is to boost your confidence when deciding to purchase a home. We see it as our duty to go above and beyond so you are familiar with the many aspects of your perspective home. Once a home inspection has been performed and our recommended repairs are completed, re-inspections are available. Our thorough home inspections include a detailed review of the following areas:
Crawl space
Exterior building materials
Plumbing components
HVAC systems
Electrical wiring
Mold Testing *Call for Pricing
Energy Rating (BEES) *Call for Pricing
Reports Within 24 Hours
Once the home inspection is complete, a detailed report is delivered to you within 24 hours. The report contains specific information, including any conditions noted during the inspection and photos of the various home systems, in an easy-to-read format for your convenience.
Trust our Experience & Dedication.
Over 25 Years of Experience
Along with buyer home inspections, Biffs Professional Home Inspections also provides new construction inspections, pre-sale consultations, radon testing, thermal imaging, and commercial inspections. For inspections in the Alaska Mat-Su Valley & Anchorage areas, call us at (907) 227-3720 or book online today.